Click on the Install from Zip File option > Scroll down the list and select Redux > Select .x.zip > Wait for the notification.Return to Kodi main menu > Click on the Add-ons tab > Click on the Package installer icon from the top-left corner.Double click on the Add Source option > Click where it says and enter this URL: “ as it in the respective field > Click OK > Name this URL as Redux and click OK.Open Kodi and click on the System icon (gear icon) from the main menu > Click on the File Manager option.
How to Install Exodus Redux on Kodi Leia version 18 and Above

The point is that repositories developers like to host addons that are in demand or popular because it highlights them. Just like Exodus Kodi addon, Exodus Redux is also available through various repositories. As for Krytpon users, Exodus Redux Kodi add-on can be installed through Lazy Kodi Repository, which is known as a complete package for having numerous other repositories within itself. You can install the updated version of Exodus Redux addon from IAC Github for you KOdi Leia verison 18 or its newer versions. I have provided a complete installation procedure in this guide make sure you do not miss any step. However, unlike other Kodi add-ons, it needs to be set-up properly with lambda scrappers, so that it can work well.

Exodus Redux is another Exodus Kodi fork that made entry into the industry some time ago.